
Please "Like" Our Grilled Poundcake with Balsamic Berries

We've entered our Grilled Poundcake with Balsamic Berries into the California Strawberry Commission's 2nd Annual Most Romantic Recipe Contest. Please go here, scroll down to find our entry, and LIKE it or COMMENT on it. Thank you!!!


Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen said...

Done! Love it.

Adriana said...

Just voted for you guys. Good luck!

Kristy and Adam said...

We just stumbled onto your blog - love your recipes! We are new to the blog world and would love for you to come and visit our new blog - earthwalkersfcpc.blogspot.com.au

We just voted for your Grilled Pancake - yum!

K&A -X-

Unknown said...

sounds beautiful :) thanks for the idea!