Some time ago, we learned about the Fortune Asian Noodle Blogger Recipe Challenge and decided to participate. We emailed our interest to JSL Foods, and in exchange we received three packets of Fortune Thai Peanut Rice Noodles to experiment with.
We chose to enter the Cold Salad category because it's summertime and we knew we'd have several opportunities to feed a crowd at a picnic or potluck during the summer season. In fact, our recipe is a riff off of the ubiquitous Broccoli-Grape Salad, you know the one with the vinegary-sweet mayonnaise dressing that has broccoli, grapes, bacon and sunflower seeds that you can find all over America anytime in July or August? Yeah, that one. And we also loved the idea of playing with the idea of peanuts and grapes because we both have such nostalgia for peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches.
So this is what we made, and it was so very easy. First, it only has five ingredients (well, six if you include hot water). Second, the Thai Peanut Noodles can be microwaves in 3 minutes, so the whole dish is done in less than 10, and most of that is choppin' broccoli. Like Dana Carvey. And finally, the peanut seasoning packet just needs to be whisked with hot water to become its spicy, nutty self. So easy!
This salad tastes best with the noodles, grapes and broccoli allowed to chill slightly and then dressed with the sauce right before serving. You can buy Fortune Noodles at Shop Rite and Stop N Shop when you're ready to try this for yourself. To get more info on JSL Foods and their products, check out their Facebook or Twitter pages.
Spicy Peanut Noodle Salad with Broccoli and Grapes
3 packages Fortune Thai Peanut Rice Noodles
1 cup hot water
2 cups small broccoli florets
3 cups halved grapes
2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil
1 cup chopped peanuts
Prepare the 3 packages of noodles according to the directions (microwave for three minutes). Combine the cooked noodles, broccoli florets, grape halves and sesame oil in a large bowl. Cover and set in the refrigerator to chill for 20-30 minutes. Then open the three seasoning packets into a small sauce pan and whisk in the cup of hot water to make the peanut sauce. Gently stir the peanut sauce into the noodle mixture. Serve garnished with chopped peanuts.
Disclaimer: This recipe was created as an entry into the Fortune Asian Noodle Blogger Recipe Challenge. We received free samples from JSL Foods to create the recipe, as stated above. However, all thoughts and opinions stated here are our own and we were not paid to publish this or to post only positive comments.
UPDATE: With this recipe, we won an HONORABLE MENTION in the Fortune Asian Noodle Blogger Recipe Challenge.