
Greek Shrimp Meets the Best Bread on the East Coast

Tonight's dinner was fantastic, thanks to Closet Cooking's excellent recipe for Greek shrimp, our burgeoning herb garden, and a fabulous loaf of bread. The bread, voted "Best Bread on the East Coast" by authors and foodies extraordinaire Jane and Michael Stern, makes my top five breads of all time. It barely made it home and I was reluctant to share with Chris! It was a three-grain country loaf from Wave Hill Breads in Wilton, CT, with a nice brown, chewy crust and super-soft inside. We got it at the Coventry Farmers' Market (upcoming post on that) and will certainly be looking for it again. With it, we sopped up all the delicious sauce from the shrimp dish. Kudos to Kevin for the recipe, to Chris for being a terrific gardener, and to the geniuses behind Wave Hill breads!!! This dinner is one to be replicated.

1 comment:

The Duo Dishes said...

Looks good. A nice, crusty bread is a great accompaniment to a meal. Perfect for getting every last bite...or rather slurp.