

New York Times' Quick Tomato, White Bean and Kale Soup

We signed up for a Fall CSA from Simpaug Farms in Suffield and we've been using up these beautiful fall vegetables right and left.

With our first batch of kale, which also had some lingering summer tomatoes, onion, and parsley along with it, we made this delicious and nutritious soup from the New York Times.

It includes a melange of veggies - onion, carrot, celery and garlic plus the tomatoes (we chopped a few fresh ones instead of the can this recipe calls for), potatoes and of course, kale. Fresh herbs like parsley, thyme and bay add flavor and white beans add heartiness.   
In addition to sprinkling some Parmesan on it when serving, we threw a big piece of Parmesan rind in it while it simmered, which added some saltiness and flavor. This recipe is bookmarked for sure. We even shared some with Simpaug's farmer Keith and he gave it a thumbs up, too.

Happy harvesting!


Go Local Magazine - November 2016 Issue

It's November. The month of Thanksgiving and thanks-giving. This month's issue of Go Local Magazine is out and it's filled with ideas on how to celebrate your friends and neighbors who make the CT/MA line a great place to live. 

This month's features include instructions on how to make your own fall leaf bowl, an article about the festive desserts offered at Armata's Market in Longmeadow, and a story on a local band called Farmhouse. There's a Go Local gift guide, suggestions on where to get the best comfort food in the area, and an article on Cold Creek Brewery in Ellington.

Amy wrote a feature on Chic and Antique, a Suffield shop known for their beautiful farm tables, on which you can serve your harvest meal on stunning Polish pottery from Janelle Imports in Enfield, also included in this month's issue.

And what's a good Thanksgiving dinner without gravy? Our award-winning recipe for Cider-Sage Gravy is this month's Go Eat feature.

There's even more to the November Go Local, so read it here now or get your copy at any one of these Go Local businesses and advertisers!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Hot Dog! Family and Friends Roadside Cart Debuts Wednesday November 9!

Perhaps you read my article in the July 2016 Go Local Magazine on Ellington native Nick Glomb and his dream to own a hot dog cart. Well, thanks to many generous donors to his GoFundMe page, and with help from the folks at New England Business Associates, his dream is coming true next week when the Family and Friend Roadside Cart makes its debut at the "Hartford Entrepreneur Hangout" Wednesday November 9 from 5-7 p.m. at the Hog River Brewing Company at 1429 Park Street in Hartford. All are welcome to attend. At this event, he will serve his first hot dog. Nick will be serving foods from local sources, including hot dogs from Bogner's Quality Meats in Manchester, Hosmer Mountain Soda, and chips from Severance Foods in Hartford. His cart was produced by Cart Concepts International in Manchester.

Congratulations, Nick!!! Way to go, and best of luck to you!